A few years ago, I learned about bankruptcy files from friend and investigative associate Sarah Purifoy. She taught a small group of us about the various types of information commonly found in a bankruptcy file and how to obtain the different associated court documents. Fast forward, I routine use bankruptcy court files to assist in a multitude of investigations.
Bankruptcy files can be very useful in locate investigations. Often times, the files contain identity information, residential address, vehicle information, financials, employment history, etc.
This week I was working on a tough locate for a law firm. The defendant had been charged with a serous crime and immediately moved out of state. After researching the defendant’s prior address history, I learned that a relative had historically resided with the defendant at numerous past addresses. I researched the relative to see where they were currently residing and learned that they too had moved out of state around the same time, resulting in a new address for the relative in one of my favorite proprietary databases. And, as luck would have it, the relative had just recently filed bankruptcy.
Armed with this new information, I logged into PACER, reviewed the bankruptcy file, and learned that the relative had listed the defendant as a dependent residing with them in the petition. Additionally, the petition listed the relative’s brand-new address, vehicle, and place of employment. The information in the bankruptcy petition led me right to the defendant.
The next time you’re working on an investigation and come across a bankruptcy filing, consider how the filing can assist in your investigation. You might be surprised just how useful these easily accessible court records are.