Locate/skip trace investigations are a staple for most private investigators. This is great news, as locate investigations can be fun, challenging, and rewarding. Your success is limited only by your creativity! When proprietary data aggregators, USPS change of address records, social media research, etc. all come up with empty leads, here is an idea to […]
social media evidence
County Recorder – Criminal Records Research
When most people hear the words county recorder, they tend to think of property deed information. And while the county recorder does in fact record property deed information, searching the county recorder records can lead to a whole lot more than just property deeds! In many jurisdictions throughout the country, the county recorder also records […]
Social Media Account Research With Email Addresses
While there are a plethora of ways to locate a person’s social media accounts when their name is common, an often-overlooked method is to first start by locating their email addresses and then pivoting from there. Utilizing your data aggregators and various open-source tools, conduct a search of the person and note all of their […]
FINDING WITNESSES WITH TWITTER/X GEOCODE SEARCHES The majority of the adult population maintains at least one social media account. For a skilled investigator, these accounts can provide a treasure trove of information about people, places, and events. Using geocode search strings, it is possible to locate posts on Twitter/X that were posted at or near […]
Google Search Like a Private Investigator
Without question, one could argue that Google is a private investigator’s No. 1 resource when beginning an investigation. It’s no secret that Google is the go-to source for information about people, businesses and locations. According to Reliablesoft.net, as of 2020 Google’s market share remains between 70% and 91%, making it far and away the dominant […]
Social Media Evidence, Not For The Novice
“Privacy on the Internet? That’s an oxymoron.” – Catherine Butler With an estimated 45% of the world’s population possessing at least one social media account, the value of social media as an evidence source cannot be overstated. From personal injury suits to criminal trials, it has become increasingly rare for social media evidence to not […]