Without question, one could argue that Google is a private investigator’s No. 1 resource when beginning an investigation. It’s no secret that Google is the go-to source for information about people, businesses and locations. According to Reliablesoft.net, as of 2020 Google’s market share remains between 70% and 91%, making it far and away the dominant […]
Background Check
Calls for Service Records
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.” Buddha By and large, we as professional investigators understand that cases that are energetically pursued more often than not give birth to critical evidence. We pursue leads, obviously: witness interviews, court records, database research, discovery review, etc. And while it’s important […]
FBI Fingerprint Background Checks 101
In my line of work as a private investigator, I’m often asked to do “FBI nationwide background checks” for private clients, to assure them that their persons of interest do not have any skeletons in their closets. Sadly, this is when I explain that a nationwide background check does not exist, meaning that a […]
Private Investigators Are Vital to Attorneys – Part 2
“I think any case that has any real complexity is going to require a private investigator for something.” – Ellen Henak, Appellate Lawyer. This blog series covers the importance of using private investigators to garner positive outcomes in settlements and trials. To refresh your memory, in Part 1 I discussed in detail how private investigators […]
Should You Be Your Own Private Investigator?
“Why can’t I just carry out this investigation on my own?” As a private investigator, I have been asked this question more times that I can remember. And to be perfectly honest, people are likely asking this because good private investigators don’t come cheap. While there may be instances when a person […]