A little-known fact is that private investigators are available at no cost to indigent defendants charged with federal crimes. Private investigators can be a very important part of the defense. An estimated 85% of what occurs at a criminal trial directly results from work done outside of the courtroom. A defendant’s chance of being acquitted […]
Hiring Private Investigator
Private Investigators Are Vital to Attorneys – Part 1
“A good investigator is generally more valuable than a good lawyer” – F. Lee Bailey, Defense Attorney. A seasoned private investigator is adept at separating fact from fiction, and that skill can directly affect the outcome of a settlement or trial. That’s why a first-rate private investigator is a critical component of any attorney’s arsenal. […]
Should You Be Your Own Private Investigator?
“Why can’t I just carry out this investigation on my own?” As a private investigator, I have been asked this question more times that I can remember. And to be perfectly honest, people are likely asking this because good private investigators don’t come cheap. While there may be instances when a person […]