A version of Private Investigator Steven Mason’s article first appeared in Pursuit Magazine. Disclaimer: The author is not an attorney, and the information contained within this article should not be construed as legal advice. The goal of all private investigations is to locate and collect information and evidence. For private investigators who work on […]
Mason Investigative Solutions
Address Histories
Note: Private Investigator Steven Mason’s article originally appeared at PInow.com. One of the most important pieces of data for an investigator to know about someone who is the subject of inquiry is his or her address history. Franky, it’s difficult to imagine any investigation that can’t benefit from knowledge of the target’s address history. Asset […]
Locating Driving History Records
If you’ve been a private investigator for any length of time, chances are you’ve researched an individual’s driving history – a significant source of information and intelligence in almost any type of legal case, from civil litigation to family law. Such an investigation can uncover information about vehicles associated with the individual, locations frequented, alcohol […]
Google Search Like a Private Investigator
Without question, one could argue that Google is a private investigator’s No. 1 resource when beginning an investigation. It’s no secret that Google is the go-to source for information about people, businesses and locations. According to Reliablesoft.net, as of 2020 Google’s market share remains between 70% and 91%, making it far and away the dominant […]
5 Lessons Lawyers Taught Me
“If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” -Sir Isaac Newton For more than 20 years, I have had the privilege of working with attorneys investigating some of the most high-profile civil and criminal cases in the country. Along the way, I have found these men and woman – […]
Police Body Cameras And Historical Scene Canvassing
“History is a Greek word which means, literally, just investigation.” Arnold Toynbee As private investigators, oftentimes we begin our investigation long after the incident in question. Some investigations commence days after, others years. What’s common among all investigations is that we begin our task by understanding what took place by identifying people, places, and evidence. […]
Social Media Evidence, Not For The Novice
“Privacy on the Internet? That’s an oxymoron.” – Catherine Butler With an estimated 45% of the world’s population possessing at least one social media account, the value of social media as an evidence source cannot be overstated. From personal injury suits to criminal trials, it has become increasingly rare for social media evidence to not […]
Calls for Service Records
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.” Buddha By and large, we as professional investigators understand that cases that are energetically pursued more often than not give birth to critical evidence. We pursue leads, obviously: witness interviews, court records, database research, discovery review, etc. And while it’s important […]
Innocence Project Investigations
“Indigence is frequently associated with injustice and the quality of justice suffers as a result.” Arizona Justice Project Imagine waking up in a prison cell day in and day out, decade after decade, for a crime you didn’t commit. You’ve lost your career, your sense of self-worth, and perhaps even your family. Do […]